Gooey Chocolate Lava Cake

If I could have chocolate at every meal, I'd be a very happy girl. In fact, sometimes I'll add mini-chocolate morsels to my bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats or I'll sneak in a bite of a chocolate chip cookie before chowing down on a sandwich. For the last few nights, I'd been feasting on bite-sized portions of chocolate lava cake, a recipe adapted from the "Sweet Treats Baking Blog", baking stories which I fell in love with at first glance months ago and am sad it is no longer updated. The recipe calls for baking the cake in ramekins, which I don't own, and I thought paper liners in a muffin tin would work just as well. Boy, was I wrong! As I cracked the chewy surface of the cooled cake, the gooey chocolate underneath spilled out, but the worst part was the huge chunks of cake that clung to the sides of the paper liner. I had to chew these pieces right off the paper itself. I could only imagine John's face as I devoured this cake, paper and all. So, I highly recommend using ramekins, and in place of ramekins, I believe mega-sized cappucino mugs will work just fine. |

I made three modifications to the original recipe. I added espresso to intensify the chocolate flavor, reduced the amount of sugar (Miss Love from "Sweet Treats Baking Blog" warns that the original recipe yields a very rich dessert), and reduced the butter amount to half; I've never been comfortable with using butter in cooking unless it's absolutely necessary, like baking. The cakes turned out fantastic with the adjustments. Not only is this dessert easy to make, it was perfect for me since I only had a handful of flour left in the fridge! |
* Butter for ramekins
* 3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
* 4 tbsp unsalted butter
* 2 large eggs
* 1 oz decaf pulled espresso shot (optional)
* 1/2 cup sugar
* 3 tbsp all-purpose flour
* 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips |
1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2) Butter 4 ramekins; set aside for later.
3) Use microwave to melt semi-weet chocolate chips and butter.
4) Allow mixture of chocolate chips and butter to cool; set aside.
5) In separate bowl, combine eggs, sugar, espresso, flour.
6) Fold chocolate chips and butter mix into dry ingredients.
7) Fold in chocolate chips.
8) Pour batter into ramekins until two-thirds way from top.
9) Place ramekins onto baking sheet.
10) Bake 20 minutes.
11) Let cool 15 minutes.
12) Enjoy with spoon! |